Sunday 19 November 2017

Aztec Mythology

Hey everybody and welcome back to the blog! Today we have 10 beasts from Aztec Mythology!

The first creature on our list is Cipactli. His name means 'Caiman'. The beast looks a bit like a crocodile and was considered to be the first diviner. According to myth, Teocipactli was a name that was given to the survivor of a flood when the Aztecs still existed.

Next we have Huitzilopochtli. He is another famous Aztec god and his name means 'Hummingbird of the Left' or 'Hummingbird of the West'. Some people believe that Huitzilopochtli was known as the primary god of the Aztecs.

Quetzalcoatl is another famous Aztec identity. He is known as a 'feathered serpent'. He was believed to be the god of the wind and wisdom. A myth about Quetzalcoatl states that he was associated with rattlesnakes, crows and macaws.

The next Aztec creature is Tepeyollotl. He is the Aztec god of earthquakes and jaguars. Because he's the god of jaguars, he himself is often depicted as one. A myth about Tepeyollotl is that the god Tezcatlipoca wore his animal skin to trick people into thinking he was not himself.

Coatlicue is an Aztec goddess who gave birth to the moon, sun and stars. She is also the mother of the gods and is often wearing a 'skirt of snakes'. A myth about her is that she once became pregnant by a ball of feathers, which caused her to create Huitzilopochtli, the god of the sun.

Next are Centcon Totochtin! They are a group very important rabbits. They usually meet for parties. Some Aztec people believe that the parties they meet up for are to get drunk. Their names are Tepoztecatl, Texcatzonatl, Colhuatzinatl, Macuitochtli and Ometochtli.

Centcon Mimixcoa is another group of Aztec gods. The Aztecs believe that they are the gods of the northern stars. They also believe that they are only a few out of the other 400 'Cloud Serpents'. There were also five gods of the southern stars 'Centcon Uitznaua'.

The next creature is Xochiquetzal. She is the goddess of fertility and beauty. She is believed to be associated with the quetzal bird and the Xochitl flower. A myth about her is that she has a twin called Xochipilli and and she has an alternate name, Ichpochtli.

That's it for today, see you tomorrow for more creatures! Bye!

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